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How to get a smaller waist- The 10 Best fat loss tips you need now

Writer's picture: Marcy VerburgMarcy Verburg

1. Start tracking what you eat. Think about how many servings of protein, carbs and fats and veggies you are getting each day.

This is imperative for a number of reasons.

First, most of us have no idea how many calories we are eating each day. Nor do we know how much protein, fat and carbs we are getting

And if you don’t know what you are eating how will you fix it?

2. Add more #protein to your diet. When people join my program one of the first things we need to do is increase their protein. Most of them are eating between 1/10 and 1/3 of what they really need. Everyone is so afraid of eating too much meat or too many eggs. Many of us have that 1990s pasta mentality where we took away all the protein when we took away the supposed bad fat. We were left with nothing but a bowl of pasta. And while pasta may not be the devil it should be served as a side dish the size of your palm not in a pasta bowl!

3. Stop doing sit ups & Do ab exercises that target the msucles deep down in the stomach. Stop doing crunches and situps and working on the abs that are on the top of all the others. Think about the ones that are deep inside. They act like a corset holding and pulling everything else down. Think of pilates type ab work. Where you take a deep breath and really focus on the deep abs before doing your exercise/

4. Reduce bloating. Sometimes our abdomen is extended due to gas and bloating making it look bigger than it is. There are a number of ways we can deal with this. Here are a few simple ones

-lemon and ginger tea


-figuring out if our gut bacteria is unhappy

5. Eat slowly. It takes time for our brains to register that we are full. If you eat really quickly (in front of the computer, standing at the sink) your brin wont even know that you ate until 10 minutes later. Its hard to know when you are full if you eat too fast

6. Eat to 80%. For the next few weeks we are going to eat only to 80% full and then stop. If you feel hungry again in a few hours eat more but plan to eat only to 80% full at each meal

7. Do more #HIIT or interval traiing instead of slow state cardio.

8. Drink more water. Water makes you feel full and helps to flush out toxins

9. Get more sleep. Start a proper sleep hygiene program

10. Do a #kitchen assessment. See whether your kitchen is set up to help you cook. Is it organized? Is it well stocked with healthy food choices? Are there lots of bad choices available?

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